Sad News - The Moon men have completed there mission, and have returned to an inactivated status. They will however remain within the confines of Bar@Clubkhentigan and will take on a new role consisting of "Wheres the Moon Men" (much like Where's Waldo). They will move around the pub and find new spots to explore, so each time you come buy, you can attempt to "Find the Moon Men". Good Luck Moon Men and Godspeed!!
What’s New in the Bar ?, you ask…..
How about the Wood Stove………
Heating Capacity Up to 2,000 Sq. Feet Overall Efficiency 75%
Weight 375 Lbs. Heat Output 73100 BTU's / Hour
Maximum Burn Time up to 12 Hours Firebox Size 2.3 Cubic Feet
Maximum Log Size 21 " Emissions 2.4 Grams Per Hour
ConstructionCast Iron Hearth 15 Sq Ft of 3” Solid Bluestone
How about the HD TV & Surround Sound……..
How about the Downspout Urinal (don’t ask patent pending)……
How about the Sliding Glass Door……….Coming January 2010
Not to mention the elaborate Moon Man IOL!

As a collector of old beer cans, particularly cone-tops, and of them particularly the special cans called "War Cans" that were made for our troops during WWII, and designed to be subdued as not to reflect light while at night in the woods or on a ships deck.
The below picture is of my friend Kevins dad having a beer during the war. Awsome photo. I'm seriously considering changing the name of Bar@ClubKhentigan to BakerBar, and all drinks must be lifted to Mr B's picture.